The Portrait Project
I wanted to start 2018 with a project that challenged me as an artist but also shared my values as a Democrat. 2017 was such a difficult year, we spent all our time lurching from one crisis to another. I wanted a project that was hopeful and celebrated our strengths. Too often we disparage people who sacrifice to work in the public sector. So the goal of the Portrait Project was to celebrate these people and remind us all of the folks who are fighting on the frontlines of the Resistance.
Over the course of the project it became clear that because of the times we live in, this venue provided me a unique way to express what was going on in society. If something happened in the news I could paint a portrait and have it still be in the news cycle. It was a very gratifying way to have my art be part of the conversations of the day.
To that end, I’ve decided to continue with the portrait project. I will keep painting figures of the day as topics come up, but I will also paint other portraits interspersed with them. Be it athletes are characters from film, and some historical figures.
I hope you all join me as I continue with the portrait project.